Estimate your tax savings
Crypto vs. Cash Donation Calculator
Crypto donations mean more tax savings for you and more money for charity. Calculate how much you can save on taxes by donating cryptocurrency instead of cash.
What is your most appreciated crypto?
What was the estimated purchase price?
How much do you want to donate?
Save $10,185 in taxes by donating BTC
Income tax deduction of donation
Additional capital gains tax savings
The information provided by the Tax Savings Calculator: Crypto vs. Cash Donations is for general information and estimation. This estimate is based on a marginal federal income tax rate of 35% and a California marginal state tax of 9.3% as well as capital gains taxes of 20% on federal taxes and 9.3% on state taxes and 3.8% for Medicare tax. Please note that the information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.
Donate that Bitcoin today
With Daffy, a modern donor-advised fund provider, you can contribute the crypto, get the tax deduction now, and distribute the funds to nearly any U.S. charity anytime, all from one place.
Avoid capital gains taxes
As long as you've owned the crypto for more than a year and it has appreciated in value, you'll avoid paying capital gains taxes and receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the crypto in the year it was donated.
It’s a win for charities too
Charities don’t have to pay capital gains taxes. That means they receive the full value of your crypto. You get the full deduction and they benefit by receiving your entire donation amount.
Grow your impact, tax‑free
When you contribute, you receive an upfront tax deduction and have time to choose which charities to support. Your funds are invested tax-free in a portfolio of your choice, including Conservative, Standard, ESG, and Crypto options — so you can give more over time.
Donate to nearly any U.S. charity
The majority of charities don’t accept crypto directly. With Daffy, you can contribute complex assets easily and donate to nearly any charity, school, or religious institution in the U.S., from one place.