
Guide: How to Introduce Daffy for Families to Your Kids

The Daffy Team

· 5 min read

Involving your kids in charitable giving is the best way to instill a habit of giving from an early age. With Daffy for Families, we now make it easier than ever for members to include their children and grandchildren in the donation process by creating a family fund. Once invited, each family member can create their own profile, follow charities they care about, and request donations.

Daffy for Families is an incredible way to set a financial example for teens and young adults while also opening the door to meaningful connections by talking about each other’s passions and causes in life.

Here’s how to start the conversation about Daffy with anyone new to giving so you can start sharing the giving experience together.

Why Share Giving With Your Kids

Opening up about your own charitable giving experience with your children (or grandchildren, nieces, or nephews) is a foundational cornerstone of setting them up to do the same in the future. In fact, according to the National Philanthropic Trusts, adults are more likely to donate to nonprofit organizations if their parents did the same.

Involving your kids as they begin to approach adulthood is a pivotal way to pass down your values and develop the next generation of givers. Plus, your kids will see that you truly do act on your beliefs; as we all know, actions speak louder than words.

Not only does involving your kids in your charitable giving help build their own sense of generosity, but it can also deepen the connection you have with them. Talk about the world’s pressing issues and gain insights into what causes your kids are passionate about. It might surprise you to uncover these personal details. Plus, you’ll give them agency in contributing to solutions in a very real way using your Daffy fund.

Talking about giving can also be a great way to teach financial literacy. Yale University notes that there is substantial research linking charitable giving and overall financial success in life. It becomes part of a larger conversation about prioritizing money and creating an overall financial picture. By demonstrating to your kids how to include charitable donations as a consistent part of their budget, they’ll gain the valuable life skill of being thoughtful with their finances.

On top of that, giving is scientifically proven to improve our well-being, both physically and mentally. Daffy for Families helps you contribute to that wellness for your kids early in their adult lives.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Daffy

Ready to involve your kids in Daffy for Families? Here are some tips to maximize the experience for everyone.

Share your giving inspiration

When you first add your family to your Daffy fund, talk to your kids about why giving is important to you. Maybe there was a specific person or moment in your life that served as a catalyst to start your own habit of giving.

Turn the conversation into a dialogue by not only talking about your own past experiences but also by asking probing questions about your child’s personal experiences. Perhaps they've had a moment where they witnessed inequality or they are passionate about an area like science and research.

Tie in these topics by talking about charities you support. With older kids, you can really drive home an analytical mindset by talking about a charity’s geographic scope, its size, and why some causes or holidays drive you to give.

Also, be open and transparent about how often you give and how much — what is your annual goal and how do you decide how much to give each organization? For example, do you tend to give larger amounts to a few nonprofits or smaller amounts to many nonprofits? Setting a sense of scale for your kids will help them create their own giving.

Set boundaries but don’t be too prescriptive

Once you’ve shared your personal context and talked broadly about giving goals, it’s time to set guidelines for your kids. Start by discussing the dollar amount they are allowed to give and on what timeline. Is there a total amount they can spend per year or a maximum amount per donation request? Do you want them to spread out the number of donations they make over a certain period of time? Also consider how you can tie in giving to their own finances, such as through an allowance or gifts throughout the year.

However you plan to structure your kid’s giving, include them in the decision-making process as much as possible. Do your best to stick to the numbers and not the causes or types of nonprofits. The magic happens when they have the freedom to explore their philanthropic passions while understanding their financial boundaries.

Help them research and explore

Next, it’s time to guide your child through the research process. Explain your own personal vetting process, including how to look up charities on the Daffy platform. Ask if they have any additional ideas of how to vet a charity beyond things like tax status, financials, and reputation.

Explain that it’s ok to explore different types of nonprofits and change their focus over time. You may also create a strategy together that involves regular contributions in their areas of interest and a separate budget for sudden humanitarian crises and natural disasters that may need funding.

When they are ready to submit their first donation request, show them how to use the Daffy app. Explain what the different options are for each donation. When they submit the request, it will go to you for approval. Be sure to celebrate each approved donation with your family with a shout-out on the family text thread or at the dinner table.

Keep the conversation going

Talking to your kids about giving isn’t a one-time conversation. Every donation request is an opportunity to chat and connect, whether your child is still at home or away at college. Take an active interest in their contributions to the family fund by helping with research and asking questions.

Use current events to spark conversations and trigger new donations in response to emergency situations. In doing so, you’ll allow your child to feel like they can be a part of the solution instead of feeling helpless in a world that often feels chaotic.

Also, consider taking the giving experience offline and finding a volunteer opportunity to participate in as a family. In addition to hands-on activities, consider taking the time to meet with an organization’s leadership, or bring your child to a board meeting with which you serve. All of these tactile experiences will show your child the impact their work has, while also creating lasting memories to share together.

Tips for You as a Family Fund Organizer

While it’s great to give your kids a wide degree of autonomy, you will still have plenty of control and oversight as a fund organizer.

  • You will see every donation request from your family members and have the chance to edit and approve each one. Just remember that if you do deny a request, be sure to tell them why. Have a conversation before hitting the deny button so they’re not deterred from participating in the future.
  • All family members on your fund can see the account balance so everyone has an idea of where you stand on your group’s giving goal. It’s ok to be transparent when talking about money to help your kids develop healthy financial mindsets. Please note that they will not be able to see your funding sources or make contributions themselves.

Also, feel free to send us product feedback requests for Daffy for Families. We take feedback seriously and are passionate about creating a member experience that gets families excited to give together.

Ready to get started? Create a family giving fund on Daffy today!