If you're not yet a Daffy member, you can sign up here.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@daffy.org.
We look forward to helping you make the most of your charitable giving!
The Daffy Team
Financial advisors looking to partner with Daffy can learn more about the process by visiting the Daffy website. Daffy has been chosen as the preferred donor-advised fund provider for Secfi, a leading equity planning, financing, and wealth management platform for startup employees. This partnership allows Secfi Wealth clients to have complimentary access to Daffy’s modern platform and community for charitable giving. Daffy offers a unique opportunity for financial advisors to help their clients build charitable deductions into their financial plan, increase their philanthropic impact, and maximize the many tax benefits of giving through a donor-advised fund. If you're already a Daffy member, you can add your financial advisor by navigating to "Settings" on daffy.org or our app, clicking “Family & Members” and selecting “Add Members.” From there, simply enter your advisor's contact information and we’ll send an email and/or text to your advisor to get started. If you're not yet a Daffy member, you can sign up on the Daffy website. Daffy is not just a donor-advised fund provider, but a community that encourages and facilitates charitable giving. By partnering with Daffy, financial advisors can provide their clients with a comprehensive and modern platform for managing their philanthropy. For more information or to get started, financial advisors are invited to contact Daffy directly. We look forward to helping you make the most of your charitable giving!