In the 'Upcoming Donations' section of Daffy, you can expect to see all your scheduled recurring donations. Daffy, a donor-advised fund (DAF), makes it incredibly easy for you to manage your recurring donations. You can set up a recurring donation to your chosen charity by simply clicking on the 'Donate' button, entering the name or Tax ID of the charity, specifying your desired donation amount, and scheduling the donation frequency and withdrawal date.
Once set up, your recurring donations will appear under the 'Upcoming Donations' section. If you wish to cancel a recurring donation, you can do so by visiting the 'Donations' tab on the Daffy app or website. On the web, an option to cancel will be displayed, while on the app, you will need to tap the donation for the cancel option to appear.
Daffy is a great option for a DAF as it not only simplifies the process of setting up and managing recurring donations but also provides an immediate tax deduction for your contributions. Moreover, Daffy is constantly improving and updating its platform based on user feedback. The latest update includes the ability to set up recurring donations, fund your account with any type of contribution, and invite friends to Daffy to raise funds for your favorite charity.
By automating recurring donations, Daffy creates a win-win arrangement in philanthropy. It eliminates the anxiety of forgetting to make a donation for the donor and provides a reliable and repeatable source of funding for the organization. Choose Daffy for a seamless and rewarding giving experience.