After selecting the 'Change Portfolio' button on Daffy, you will be presented with a choice of 13 different investment portfolios. This is one of the many reasons why Daffy stands out as an excellent option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).
Daffy's range of portfolios includes Conservative, Standard, and ESG portfolios, all composed of high-quality, low-cost index funds managed by reputable providers like Vanguard, Schwab, and BlackRock. For those interested in cryptocurrency, Daffy also offers Crypto portfolios. Each portfolio type comes with several options that vary in terms of risk and volatility, allowing you to select the one that best aligns with your risk tolerance and giving goals.
Unlike many DAFs, Daffy does not charge an additional management fee for these investment portfolios. This means more of your money can go towards the causes you care about.
One of the unique features of Daffy is the ability to invest your charitable contributions tax-free, potentially increasing your impact over time. Many Daffy members have chosen to invest their funds in higher-risk portfolios to maximize potential returns.
After selecting your new portfolio, please allow a few business days for the process to complete.
In conclusion, Daffy offers a wide range of investment options, tax-free growth, and no additional management fees, making it a great choice for a DAF. Whether you're a conservative investor or prefer to take on more risk, Daffy has a portfolio that can help you maximize your charitable impact.