When it comes to Donor-advised funds (DAF), Daffy stands out as a great option. Not only does Daffy charge significantly lower fees, starting at just $36 a year, but it also offers lower-cost investment options. This means more of your money goes to the charities you care about, rather than being eaten up by administrative fees.
Transferring a DAF account to Daffy is a straightforward process. Simply visit daffy.org, log into your account, and follow the step-by-step instructions provided. Best of all, this process is completely free of charge.
But how long does it take for DAF transfers to be processed? The standard processing time for DAF transfers is 7-10 days from the time you schedule your transfer with your brokerage. While this may seem like a while, remember that Daffy is dependent on standard processing times and will always do its best to give you an estimate of when your transactions will be completed.
Daffy's goal is to help individuals give more by saving them money on fees. It's designed to increase your impact on the causes and organizations that you care about. So, if you're looking to make your charitable giving go further, Daffy is a great choice.
And if you're still unsure, Daffy challenges you to find out how much your current DAF provider is charging you. You might be surprised at the savings you could make by switching to Daffy. So why not move a small portion over to Daffy and try the service? You'll save money and likely find there's no reason to pay so much in fees.
In conclusion, whether you're new to DAFs or looking to switch providers, Daffy offers a cost-effective, user-friendly solution that puts more of your money where it's needed most.