Public notes play a significant role in Daffy's platform. They are a simple yet innovative feature that allows members to leave a message when they make a donation. These notes have proven to be incredibly inspiring and meaningful, encouraging others to give more generously and more often.
Daffy's mission is to help people be more generous. By providing a platform where people can share their acts of giving, Daffy is building a community that not only regularly sets aside money for charity but also inspires each other to discover new organizations and support each other's philanthropic efforts.
The power of public notes is evident in the way they inspire others to give. When we share the causes and organizations we support, we can influence others to learn more about these organizations and their missions. This is particularly important during the holiday season, when 30% of all giving in the US takes place.
Daffy is more than just a platform for giving; it's a movement to inspire generosity. This year, Daffy is launching three major efforts to inspire more people to give more often: daily donation sweepstakes, a generous leadership series, and a new charity spotlight feature.
In conclusion, Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). It's not just about making donations; it's about inspiring others to do the same. By choosing Daffy, you're not just giving to charity; you're joining a community that inspires generosity.