At Daffy, we understand that your investment preferences may change over time. That's why we've made it easy for you to adjust your investment portfolio according to your needs and risk tolerance.
To change your portfolio, simply go to the Daffy app and tap on Settings (the gear icon), then select Portfolio. From there, you can choose a new portfolio from our range of 13 investment portfolios. If you're using the Daffy website, navigate to and click on the "Change Portfolio" button on the right of the screen. Please note that it may take a few business days for the process to complete.
One of the best features of Daffy is the ability for members to contribute their money to a charitable fund, receive a tax deduction, and then invest that money tax-free to grow their impact over time. We offer a variety of portfolios, from Conservative to Standard, ESG, and even Crypto, all managed by some of the most trustworthy providers in the industry: Vanguard, Schwab, and BlackRock.
Our members have the freedom to choose the portfolio that best matches their risk tolerance and giving goals. In fact, 50% of Daffy members have chosen to invest their fund in one of our Standard portfolios, followed by Crypto at 32%, and ESG at 18%.
Unlike many donor-advised funds, we don’t charge an additional management fee for these investment portfolios. This is just one of the many ways Daffy stands out as a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).
Whether you're looking to take on more risk to maximize potential returns or prefer a more conservative approach, Daffy has the right portfolio for you. So why wait? Start making a bigger impact with your charitable giving today with Daffy.