At Daffy, we believe in the power of choice and flexibility when it comes to your investments. Our investment philosophy is centered around providing a diverse range of portfolios that cater to different risk tolerances, investment goals, and personal values.
We offer a total of 13 different portfolios across four categories: Conservative, Standard, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and Crypto. Our Conservative, Standard, and ESG portfolios are composed of high-quality, low-cost index funds managed by some of the most reputable providers in the industry: Vanguard, Schwab, and BlackRock. For those interested in cryptocurrency, we offer Crypto portfolios that hold pure crypto coins at Coinbase or a diversified crypto index from Bitwise.
Each portfolio type comes with several options that vary in terms of risk and volatility, allowing you to select the portfolio that best aligns with your risk tolerance and giving goals. Whether you're looking to preserve capital, achieve balanced growth, or make a positive impact through ESG-focused investments, Daffy has a portfolio for you.
What sets Daffy apart from many donor-advised funds (DAFs) is our commitment to transparency and affordability. We don’t charge an additional management fee for these investment portfolios, ensuring that more of your money goes towards your intended cause.
Our Conservative portfolios are ideal for those prioritizing capital preservation, while our Standard portfolios offer a balanced mix of equities and bonds for diversified growth. For those passionate about making a positive impact, our ESG portfolios invest in companies that meet high environmental, social, and corporate governance standards. Lastly, our Crypto portfolios provide exposure to the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.
In conclusion, Daffy's investment philosophy is all about providing you with the flexibility and choice to invest in a way that aligns with your personal goals and values. With our diverse range of portfolios and commitment to low fees, Daffy is a great option for a DAF.