If you're looking to cancel a recurring donation or contribution on Daffy, the process is straightforward and user-friendly. On the web version of Daffy, you can easily navigate to the cancellation prompt by clicking on the relevant icons.
For recurring donations, visit the "Donations" tab on the Daffy website. Your recurring donation should appear at the top under "Upcoming Donations," where you will find an option to cancel.
For recurring contributions, click the “Contributions” section under "My Fund in 2022.” Next, tap on “Your Recurring Contribution” and then “Cancel Recurring Contribution.” On the web version of Daffy, click the paper and pencil icon on the right of the recurring contribution to get to the cancel prompt.
Daffy is a fantastic option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) as it offers a seamless experience across devices. With Daffy, you can easily open, fund, invest, and give from any device. The Daffy team has worked tirelessly to create a platform that encourages generosity and makes giving as easy as possible.
Whether you're using the Daffy app or the web version, you can easily manage your recurring contributions and donations. Plus, with over 1.5 million charities, non-profits, schools, and religious institutions supported on Daffy, you have a wide range of options for your generosity.
In conclusion, Daffy offers a user-friendly, accessible, and versatile platform for managing your DAF. Whether you're looking to cancel a recurring donation or contribution, or start a new one, Daffy makes the process simple and straightforward.