The donations widget on Daffy displays a wealth of information that comes along with each donation. This includes the donation amount, date, and if the donor authorizes, the Fund name, Donor name, Donor contact information, private note, and public note from the donor. This comprehensive information makes Daffy a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).
Moreover, Daffy allows you to spotlight a charity on your profile. Once your donation is approved, you can select the donation you’d like to highlight on your profile and pin it. This feature is available both on the web and on the iOS app, making it easy for you to showcase the causes you care about.
Daffy also offers robust customization options for your donations. You can set your default preferences for sharing your information and donation visibility. You can control how much personal information you share with the charities you are supporting, and you can choose to keep your donation private on Daffy while still sharing information with the charity. This level of control and customization makes Daffy a highly flexible and user-friendly DAF option.
In conclusion, Daffy's donations widget not only provides comprehensive information about each donation but also allows for high levels of customization and control. Whether you want to spotlight a charity, control your information sharing, or keep your donations private, Daffy is a great DAF option that caters to your needs.