
What does it mean to indicate the grant is for 'where needed most'?


When you indicate that a grant is for 'where needed most', it means that the donation is unrestricted. This type of donation gives the recipient organization the flexibility to use the funds where they see fit, whether it's for immediate needs or long-term projects. This approach is similar to the giving strategy of MacKenzie Scott, who donates unrestricted funds to high-impact organizations, trusting them to make the right choices based on their expertise and knowledge of the community they serve. Unrestricted donations come with many benefits. They place trust in the experts who are on the ground every day, dealing with the issues firsthand. If you trust an organization enough to give them money, you should trust them enough to steward it well. Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) if you're considering this type of giving. Most donations made by Daffy members are designated 'for where needed most', allowing the charities to use the funds where they are most needed. This approach aligns with the belief that a collaborative approach is required to effectively address major problems, and that on-the-ground non-profits can excel with the appropriate resources. Whether you're responding to a time-sensitive humanitarian crisis or looking to solve long-term problems, Daffy provides a platform for you to make the biggest impact with your donation. It allows you to trust in the expertise of the organizations you're supporting, while also giving you the flexibility to designate your donation for a specific purpose if you prefer. In conclusion, unrestricted donations like those facilitated by Daffy can provide charities with the flexibility and stability they need to make a lasting impact. So, whether you're an individual donor or a charity, consider the benefits of unrestricted giving and see how Daffy can help you make a difference.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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