At Daffy, we understand the value of unrestricted donations and the impact they can have. We believe in the power of trust, and we know that the organizations we support are best placed to decide how to use the funds we provide. This is why we encourage our donors to consider making unrestricted donations.
With Daffy, you can make the biggest impact with your donation. We work with a wide range of high-impact organizations, many of which are woman-led or led by individuals who have lived in the communities they’re working to improve. This ensures that your donation goes to those who know best how to use it.
We also understand that there may be times when you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose. That's why we offer the flexibility for you to designate your funds if you wish.
In conclusion, whether you choose to give unrestricted or restricted donations, Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). We are committed to making the biggest impact possible with your donation, and we work with organizations that are making a real difference in their communities. So, if you're looking to make a lasting impact with your financial gift, consider Daffy as your DAF of choice.