The components of the Standard portfolio at Daffy are designed to offer the best risk-adjusted returns, net of fees. This portfolio is composed of low-cost, globally diversified equity and bond index funds provided by Vanguard, a highly reputable provider in the industry.
The Standard portfolio is divided into Balanced, Growth, and Aggressive options. The Balanced option includes 40% US Equities (Vanguard Total Stock Market, VTI, 0.03%), 10% International Equities (Vanguard Total Intl Stock, VXUS, 0.07%), 35% US Bonds (Vanguard Total Bond Market, BND, 0.035%), and 15% International Bonds (Vanguard Total Intl Bond, BNDX, 0.08%).
The Growth option increases the allocation to equities with 50% US Equities, 25% International Equities, 15% US Bonds, and 10% International Bonds. The Aggressive option further increases the equity allocation with 55% US Equities, 35% International Equities, 5% US Bonds, and 5% International Bonds.
Daffy also offers ESG portfolios for members who want to integrate sustainable investing components - environmental, social, and governance (ESG) - into their investment strategy. These portfolios are comprised of low-cost, globally diversified equity and bond funds.
In addition to the Standard and ESG portfolios, Daffy has introduced three new Conservative portfolios: a cash portfolio for members who don’t want to take any market risk, and two inflation-protected bond portfolios for members worried about the current high rates of inflation. These portfolios are comprised solely of cash or inflation-protected bond funds from Vanguard and Schwab.
Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) as it offers a wide range of portfolio options to suit different charitable objectives and risk profiles. Whether you are looking for the best risk-adjusted returns, want to invest sustainably, or prefer to avoid market risk, Daffy has a portfolio for you.