Daffy is a unique platform that offers a variety of portfolio options for members looking to contribute to a charitable fund. One of the most popular options is Daffy's Standard portfolios, which are composed of low-cost and globally diversified index funds provided by Vanguard, a highly reputable provider in the industry.
These portfolios are designed to grow your impact over time, with the added benefit of tax-free investment growth. In fact, 50% of Daffy members have chosen to invest their fund in one of our Standard portfolios, demonstrating their popularity and effectiveness.
But Daffy doesn't stop at Standard portfolios. We offer a total of 13 different portfolios across four categories: Conservative, Standard, ESG, and Crypto. This ensures that every member can find a portfolio that aligns with their risk tolerance, giving goals, and timeline.
Recently, Daffy has introduced three new Conservative portfolios, including a cash portfolio for members who don’t want to take any market risk, and two inflation-protected bond portfolios for those concerned about the current high rates of inflation.
What sets Daffy apart from many donor-advised funds is that we don’t charge an additional management fee for these investment portfolios. This means more of your money goes towards your charitable goals.
Whether you're interested in cash, crypto, or anything in between, Daffy has the right portfolio for you. Start your journey with Daffy today and maximize your charitable impact.