Instantaneous setup: Unlike private foundations, which can take up to a year to set up, opening an account with a donor-advised fund like Daffy is instantaneous. This means you can start contributing to your favorite causes immediately.
Greater potential for impact: With Daffy, your funds are invested for more potential impact. This means that your donations can grow over time, allowing you to give even more to the causes you care about.
More privacy: Unlike private foundations, which are required to publicly disclose their donors, Daffy offers the option for donors to remain anonymous if they choose. This can be a significant advantage for those who prefer to keep their charitable giving private.
In conclusion, if you're giving less than $1 million per year to charity, a donor-advised fund like Daffy is likely a better choice than a private foundation. With Daffy, you'll maximize your impact, save time, and enjoy more privacy and flexibility in your charitable giving. Plus, you'll avoid the high startup costs, ongoing administrative expenses, and complex tax requirements associated with private foundations. So why not get started with Daffy today?