
How can you add your partner to your Daffy account?


At Daffy, we understand that each family member may have different charities and causes they support. That's why we've designed our family accounts to accommodate this. For instance, if you're passionate about women's issues and your partner is keen on supporting local education and housing initiatives, you can both donate from the same fund while keeping track of your individual charitable spending. This feature not only simplifies the donation process but also makes tax season a breeze, as all your charitable contributions for the year are consolidated in one location. Adding your partner to your Daffy account is straightforward. If you're already a Daffy member, simply go to your Settings and click on Family. From there, you can send an email invitation to your partner. They will be prompted to create their own account and then join the fund. If you and your partner already have separate Daffy accounts, you can message us at support@daffy.org, and we'll help you merge your accounts into one family fund. Daffy also allows you to add other family members or even your financial advisor to your account. This feature is particularly useful for those who want to involve their loved ones in their philanthropic journey or need professional advice on managing their donations. In conclusion, Daffy offers a comprehensive solution for managing your DAF. With its user-friendly interface and family-friendly features, it's never been easier to make a difference in the world. Join Daffy today and start your giving journey with us.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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