
How can I keep my donation private on Daffy?


At Daffy, we understand the importance of privacy when it comes to charitable giving. We've designed our platform with this in mind, ensuring that you have full control over how your donations are shared. After every donation on Daffy, you have the option to share a personalized graphic highlighting your donation, but this is entirely up to you. If you prefer to keep your donations private, you can easily do so. Daffy is not just a platform for making donations, it's a community of givers. We encourage our members to invite friends to join the platform. For every friend that becomes a member, you receive an extra $25 in your Daffy fund, and they do too. This is our way of saying thank you for helping us grow our community of givers. We launched Daffy a little over a year ago with a vision to create a world where everyone puts something aside regularly for those less fortunate than themselves. We're grateful to the thousands of people who have already signed up for the service, and we're excited to welcome more. One of the things that sets Daffy apart is that we deliver all donations to charities in cash. This means you can choose from any of the over 1.5 million charities on Daffy to donate to. We believe in giving our members the freedom to support the causes they care about most. We're proud to be recognized as a tax-exempt public charity. This means that 100% of your donation goes directly to the charity of your choice. We don't charge a transaction fee, so you can be sure that your donation is making the maximum impact. We invite you to join us at Daffy and help us close the generosity gap. Let's make giving a habit. If you have any questions, our support team is always here to help.

Please note that the information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Any calculations are intended to be illustrative and do not reflect all of the potential complexities of individual tax returns. To assess your specific tax situation, please consult with a tax professional.

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Simplify your giving with Daffy, the Donor-Advised Fund For You®. Easily donate to almost every US public charity, track tax-deductible contributions, and access donation receipts all in one place.
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Daffy waives all membership fees for members with less than $100 in their fund, so get started today for free!

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