To cancel a recurring donation, simply visit the "Donations" tab on the Daffy app or website. Your recurring donation should appear at the top under "Upcoming Donations." On the web, it will display an option to cancel. On the app, you will have to tap the donation for the cancel option to appear.
If you want to cancel your recurring contribution, tap or click the “Contributions” section under "My Fund in 2022” on the Daffy app or web version. Next, tap on “Your Recurring Contribution” and then “Cancel Recurring Contribution.”
Remember, contributions made to donor-advised funds are irrevocable charitable donations, which is why they can qualify for an immediate tax deduction. However, in the first hour, after you schedule a contribution, you can cancel it directly in the app in the "Contributions" section and receive 100% of your contribution back.
Setting up a recurring donation is just as easy. Tap or click on the "Donate" button on the Daffy app or website, type in the name or Tax ID of the charity into the search bar, enter your desired amount to donate, select “Schedule a recurring donation”, pick “Monthly”, “Quarterly”, or “Scheduled” for your recurring donation and select a date for your funds to be withdrawn. Complete the remaining donation prompts and submit the recurring donation. Daffy will send a donation from your fund to your selected charity on the date and frequency you selected.
Automating recurring donations is one of the most obvious “win-win” arrangements in philanthropy. For the donor, it means no anxiety about mistakenly forgetting to make the donation, and for the organization, it means a reliable and repeatable source of funding. With Daffy, managing your philanthropic efforts has never been easier.