Adding your financial advisor to your Daffy account is a simple and straightforward process. If you're already a Daffy member, you can do this by navigating to "Settings" on or our app, clicking “Family & Members” and selecting “Add Members.” From there, you just need to enter your advisor's contact information and Daffy will send an email and/or text to your advisor to get started.
If you're not yet a Daffy member, you can sign up and add your advisor during the account creation process by clicking the “Family” membership. This membership not only allows you to add your advisor but also enables you to invite your partner, children, grandchildren, siblings, and anyone else you consider family to give with you on your fund.
Daffy is a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) as it offers a unique blend of flexibility and control. You can easily add or remove your financial advisor from your Daffy fund at any time. This ensures that you always have control over who has access to your account and can make changes as your financial situation or preferences evolve.
Moreover, Daffy recently launched Family Accounts, which are designed to help households manage their charitable giving more effectively. This feature allows couples to share and discuss the organizations they support, making giving a more collaborative and meaningful experience.
If you’re a financial advisor representing a firm, you can contact Daffy to learn more about partnering with us to help your clients better manage and maximize their charitable giving.
In conclusion, Daffy offers a user-friendly platform that makes managing a DAF easy and efficient. Whether you're an individual donor or a financial advisor, Daffy provides the tools and resources you need to make the most of your charitable giving.