No, Daffy does not charge an additional management fee for these investment portfolios. This makes Daffy a great option for a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).
At Daffy, we understand that every penny you contribute to your fund counts. We offer a total of 13 different portfolios across four different categories: Conservative, Standard, ESG, and Crypto. Our portfolios are made up of high-quality, low-cost index funds managed by some of the most trustworthy providers in the industry: Vanguard, Schwab, and BlackRock.
For those interested in cryptocurrency, we offer Crypto portfolios that hold pure crypto coins at Coinbase or a diversified crypto index from Bitwise. We provide several options that vary in terms of risk and volatility, allowing you to select the portfolio that best matches your own risk tolerance and giving goal and timeline.
Our Conservative portfolios are the best fit for members whose priority is preserving capital over investment returns. These portfolios do not hold equities or crypto, and are comprised solely of cash or inflation-protected bonds. There is no expense ratio for the all-cash portfolio, and the expense ratio for the bond portfolios is very low, ranging between 0.04% to 0.05%.
Our Standard portfolios are composed of low-cost and globally diversified index funds provided by Vanguard. Each portfolio is comprised of a balanced mix of equities and bonds, with separate funds for US and International exposure. Depending on your goals and risk tolerance, you can select from balanced, growth, and aggressive options. The average expense ratio for the ETFs in these portfolios is exceptionally low at 0.05%.
Our ESG portfolios are composed of low-cost globally diversified funds that are selected not only for traditional measures of risk and return, but also for environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) standards by BlackRock.
In conclusion, Daffy's commitment to no additional management fees, a wide range of portfolio options, and low-cost index funds make it an excellent choice for your DAF.