At Daffy, we believe in empowering our members to take control of their charitable giving. We understand that communication preferences with charities are a personal choice and we've designed our platform to reflect that. When you donate through Daffy, you have the power to decide how much contact information you share with the charity. You can choose to share your email address, mailing address, and/or phone number, or you can opt to make your donation anonymous.
We've made it easy for you to set your default contact information sharing preferences for all your donations. However, we understand that you may want to customize your sharing preferences based on the specific charity or donation. That's why every donation you make on Daffy is customizable.
When you make a donation through Daffy, your donation is accompanied by a letter that lists the information you've chosen to share with the charity. This gives you the opportunity to communicate your intent for the donation. Most donations made by Daffy members are designated “for where needed most,” meaning that the donation is unrestricted.
But Daffy is more than just a platform for making donations. We've made it possible for you to donate to over 1.5 million charities in seconds. You can select a charity of your choice, pick an amount, and donate knowing that you have the funds available. And if you're not sure who to give to, we provide recommendations of charities near you.
We launched Daffy in the midst of a global pandemic because we believe that now, more than ever, people are looking for ways to help and easier ways to give. We're excited to have Daffy for Web available in time for the holidays and we're giving new members $25 to give to their favorite charity when they join.
Join the Daffy community today and make giving a habit. We're here to support you every step of the way. Email us at or chat with us here.