At Daffy, we believe in empowering our members to make informed and personalized decisions about their charitable giving. One of the ways we do this is by allowing you to decide your sharing preferences based on the specific charity or donation.
When you donate on Daffy, you are in control of the contact information you share with the charity. You can choose to share as much or as little as you like, such as your email address, mailing address, and/or phone number. You also have the option to make your donation anonymous or only share your name but no contact information.
While you can set default contact information sharing preferences for all your donations, every donation is customizable. This means you can tailor your sharing preferences for each specific charity or donation, giving you the flexibility and control you need to feel comfortable with your giving.
Daffy is not just about flexibility, it's also about choice. With over 1.5 million charities to choose from, you can donate to causes that truly resonate with you. And the best part? Daffy delivers all donations to charities in cash and ensures 100% of your donation recommendation goes to the charity of your choice. There are no hidden transaction fees.
In these challenging times, we believe that giving should be a habit. That's why we launched Daffy in the midst of a global pandemic. We wanted to provide an easy and effective way for people to help those in need.
So, if you're looking for a Donor Advised Fund that puts you in control, consider Daffy. We're here to help you maximize your generosity and make giving a habit. Join the Daffy community today and start making a difference.